Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Life in Paris

So, here we are, a whole month into the trip. Where has the time gone? I've been putting off updating the blog for over a week now but I finally decided to share. 

Christy and I are pretty settled in to our Parisian lifestyles: Wake up; walk across the street to the nearest boulangerie (that's a bakery) and buy our days worth of croissants and baguettes; eat breakfast; walk or take the metro to the days attraction (museums, shopping malls, cemeteries, etc); find a nice cafe for lunch/drinks; meander through the streets of Paris back to our apartment; make and eat dinner; and if we still have energy after that, go back out to a cafe and drink beer and people watch. 

It's a pretty good life. I never thought that not working could be this tiring. 

Last night was the "FĂȘte de la Musique" or "Festival of Music." It's something that's been going on in Paris for like thirty years where a whole bunch of professional and amateur musicians setup in the streets and play music all night. We went for a walk around town, it was a zoo. There were people and bands everywhere. Some places were playing music really loudly till this morning. 

Tomorrow we are going to Versailles. It should be cool, but I've gotten pretty sick of looking at art. After having been to over half a dozen museums in the last month I've kind of gotten tired of it. Did you know that half of the population of Paris died from the Black Plague in the mid 14th century?

We went to a play last night. It was in French, and because it was a play, there weren't any subtitles. I understood four words of the entire two hour play. Needless to say, I was bored out of my mind. Christy really enjoyed it though. One of the actors kept saying funny things and it seemed like I was the only one who wasn't laughing. 

In less than two weeks we leave our Parisian home for La Rochelle, a city on the Atlantic. I'm excited to see other parts of France. 

A tout a l'heure! (see you later)

1 comment:

  1. So fun to catch up on your adventures in France! crazy! you should def post pics sooN!
