Monday, June 6, 2011

Bus trip

So the last 24 hours have been really fun. Last night after we made dinner we walked down ave Montaigne near the Champs-élysées, which is a super rich district. We stopped and had too expensive drinks by this large boulevard where we could cruise and see the seine and Eiffel tower. The waiter was really funny, he went to go for a smoke break so he rolled down the street on a little pink scooter (the kind you peddle with your feet like a skateboard).

As it got dark we walked down the seine towards the small statue of liberty, then we headed back towards the base of the Eiffel tower so that we could see it all lit up, it was really cool. There was also a huge thunderstorm brewing, so the flashing of lightning near the eiffel tower was pretty spectacular as well. We then speed walked home and watched the pouring rain and lightening out of our window, some guy across the street in another building watched as well, in his underpants and a tshirt.

Today after we woke up and had our daily dose of croissants and butter, we read our books for a bit then decided to take a bus adventure. We walked to the louvre, then we got on a bus that took us to the cemetery Pere Lachaise. We had a nice lunch nearby then spent a couple of hours searching for famous people's graves, which wasn't very easy even with a map.

To take a scenic ride home we got on the bus going the wrong way, then we got on the one going the right way, which was crazy busy. After we got off near the Gare St. Lazare, we were going to transfer to a different bus, although it ended up having a long wait time. While we tried to figure out what to do, the French rappers Black Mesrimes and the Senegalais guy from the group I listen to all the time (Sexion D'Assaut) walked up the street right past us to get in a taxi. It was so cool, my first star I've seen and they are French. So cool!

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